
Revenge pornography in Zimbabwe: A victim’s dilemma

  The allegations are that a young woman committed suicide after her boyfriend posted indiscreet videos of her on the internet. Whether the story is true or not is not as relevant as the issues it raised. What does the law say about pornography and even more so revenge pornography? Is there any recourse for victims given that pornography at whatever level is illegal in Zimbabwe? Revenge pornography, also called non-consensual pornography, is the unauthorised sharing and distribution of sexual images of another person without their consent. It is often committed by ex-lovers to spite, hurt and humiliate their victim and maximise shame. In extreme cases, the graphic images are sent to the victim’s family and friends and in the worst cases may be upload them onto porn websites where they give their contact details in order to maximise the nuisance and damage The law Zimbabwe Section 13 of the…