Florida Man Allegedly Posted Explicit Photos of His Estranged Wife on Facebook
Posted by admin / January 29th, 2016 / No responses
Steven Ward posted explicit photo of estranged wife on Facebook
A man accused of posting sexually explicit photos of his wife on Facebook is being charged under a new state law that outlaws “revenge porn.”
The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office charged Steven James Ward, 32, with sexual, cyberstalking and violation of pre-trial release after his wife showed deputies messages and the Facebook post.
Ward is facing charges under the state’s so-called revenge porn laws, which took effect in October. It makes it illegal to post sexually explicit photos in an effort to seek revenge or harass someone.
Ward was last arrested on Dec. 11, 2015 on domestic-violence related charges.
Reports show he was released four days later under the condition that he would only have consensual communications with his wife.
After that, Ward sent his wife harassing text messages and an explicit sexual photo of herself, deputies said.
He then sent her a screenshot of his public Facebook post, which included her name and a sexual image of her, deputies said.
She told deputies that those photos were sent when they were still together but were meant to remain private. Reports show the couple is still legally married.
She texted Ward, “DO NOT CONTACT ME ANYMORE STEVEN” after receiving multiple unpleasant text messages from him, but deputies saw that he continued to text her.
Deputies arrested Ward at his Geneva home in rural Seminole County on Friday.
According to the arrest report, “Steven became belligerent when confronted and was immediately secured in handcuffs.”
Deputies said Ward was hostile toward detention deputies when given the opportunity to provide a sworn statement.
Ward remains at John E. Polk Correctional Facility in Sanford without bail.