Revenge porn law, juvenile justice reforms signed off on by Missouri legislators | Political Fix
Posted by Jack Goode / May 14th, 2018 / No responses
JEFFERSON CITY • Missouri lawmakers on Thursday gave final approval to legislation which would allow 17-year-old defendants to be tried as juveniles in most cases.
Pending a signature from Gov. Eric Greitens, a Republican, Missouri would join more than 40 other states that have raised to 18 the age for which defendants can be tried as adults.
The change was among several criminal justice reforms legislators gave final approval to on Thursday as they cranked into high gear in advance of the closing week of the state’s annual legislative session.
As part of the juvenile justice legislation, lawmakers also approved boosting criminal penalties for those who patronize prostitution of a minor. Minors tried for prostitution would also be able to use evidence that they were coerced into performing sex acts as a defense in court.
Lawmakers also signed off on a measure that makes it a felony to intentionally publish online a photo or video of someone’s naked or partially naked body without their permission. It also outlaws threatening to do so in order to prevent someone from doing something or to gain something of value.
They also argued that parents of 17-year-olds tried as adults lose parental rights when their children are taken into custody.
“This is going to keep our streets safer,” said Rep. Nick Schroer, R-O’Fallon, who sponsored a version of the legislation. “It’s going to keep our communities safer — preserve the parental rights — because as of right now these 17-year-olds have no right to have their parents speak up for them.”
The juvenile justice changes are set to take effect in 2021 if the measure becomes law.